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It's time to share our big news....

Nope, no one is pregnant! But some big changes have been happening over the last few months at The Nanny Diary HQ! Well, not really our HQ because we're all lucky enough to run this show from our laptops in the comfort of our own homes, or down the beach, or in bed late at night which frequently ends up being the case for most of us! But if we had a HQ it would be awesome - we'd have onsite creche facilities, play Disney songs all day in the office, decorate our walls with bright, bubbly, colourful prints and have an indoor playground we could run amuck on everyday. Anyway, I'm getting off topic.... I have to tell you our news! Stay with me.

Late last year, FairWork Australia made an announcement that shocked nannies and agencies across the nation. They decided they were going to now introduce a new legislation which meant that Nannies and Au Pairs now had to be employed under an award rate. Previously, Nannies have been exempt from an award rate and agencies were free to set the pay rates at whatever they deemed fair. When we launched the business, The Nanny Diary set out with a mission to provide a professional and affordable care option for the every day family, so our prices have always reflected this goal. We have always placed incredible value on the work our nannies and babysitters do as well, by paying them more than fairly, which has sometimes meant the business is the last entity to be adequately reimbursed. Our profit margins are incredibly slim and we do what we do because we're so passionate about families having access to wonderful, trustworthy, reliable and loving nannies.

Unfortunately, this new legislation now means our prices have to increase, as the rates the nannies are required to be paid vary between days and times of the week. The biggest blunder with this new ruling is that we must pay our nannies under the Miscellaneous Award rate, which simply lumps every service which has previously been exempt under one roof. If they were going to make a decision like this, the least they could do is create a new award rate for Nannies & Au Pairs, which actually recognises the work effort required for various times of the week. For example, the rate the nannies need to be paid during Monday - Friday 7am - 7pm, is considerably lower than the rate they need to be paid for work on a Saturday night. We undoubtedly recognise that a Nanny's job during the week is a lot more demanding than that of a Saturday night, so cannot for the life of us fathom how FairWork Australia can implement a ruling such as this without taking these things into account.

Don't get us wrong, we fully support our nannies in this transition and we believe the work they do is 100% worth the recognition which comes with this new announcement. Our nannies are some of the hardest-working, professional, loving, wonderful, trustworthy, hilarious, generous, reliable, mature, intelligent girls in Adelaide (we could seriously brag about them all day). All you need is one booking with them to experience and understand the incredible value they provide to busy families across Adelaide. Our girls are simply exceptional. And you can't put a price on that kind of value.

With these new rate changes, we understand a lot of families will be left scratching their heads, wondering how the hell they'll ever afford a night out again and is that screaming child in the background really worth the cost? The answer to all of the above, is yes. They are your most precious treasures, so before you discount the cost of a nannying service, make sure you consider ALL of the benefits. You get 1 on 1 tailored care specific to your children's needs, your children won't be exposed to all the germs that come with childcare, they'll spend their days being loved and cherished by someone who's job is solely to provide exceptional care for your children, you'll come home to a meal on the table and a house that's spic and span. All that extra time you would normally need to spend doing washing, or cooking tea, or organising school lunches for the next day, that's now time you get to just spend with your children because your magnificently fabulous nanny has taken care of it all for you!

We promise, through all of this, we will continue to put the needs of our clients first. We support the hard-working families of Adelaide and we cherish the opportunity we are given to provide an invaluable service for you and your children.

Thank you for your continuous love and support of The Nanny Diary.

Our new prices are now available on our website.

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